Build a new Energy Renovation Strategy around the Mediterranean

Financial schemes

Financial schemes

Expérimentation 2.1 - Third party financing mechanisms


The scope of the experimentation 2.1 is to test and evaluate innovative financial mechanisms for energy conservation investments in buildings of the Mediterranean territory that will focus on overcoming the following financial and other relevant barriers:

  • Non-availability of efficient financial tools that create strong incentives for implementation of energy efficiency investments in buildings
  • Limited awareness of stakeholders/ final beneficiaries on cost-effective and environmentally friendly solutions for energy efficiency in buildings
  • Non-efficient energy management in buildings


The goal is to increase demand for energy efficient refurbishment of buildings of the Mediterranean territory by creating sustainable and long-term financing mechanisms for energy conservation investments in buildings.

Following this goal, the main objectives of the corresponding experimentation are:

  • Awareness creation among local stakeholders on alternative financial mechanisms for energy efficiency improvement in buildings
  • Development of TPF implementation framework and procedures
  • Involvement of ESCOs for the pilot implementation of the TPF mechanism
  • Improvement of data availability on energy consumption of buildings during pilot implementation, which will help identify the possible energy interventions, improve energy efficiency and consequently reduce the energy consumption and the existing energy costs.

Selection of most efficient solutions regarding materials, techniques and processes during pilot implementation of the TPF mechanism


The methodology for the implementation of the experimentation includes the following steps:

  • Selection of buildings with high energy consumption
  • Preliminary energy audits in order to study the current state of the building
  • Elaboration of cost benefit analysis
  • Introduction of energy accounting and information system (EnAIS) and  Monitoring & Targeting Technique (M&TT)
  • Elaboration of energy performance certification of the selected buildings
  • Application of flat panel display for presentation of energy consumption on the building
  • Organisational and operational framework of TPF mechanism
  • Pilot implementation of selected TPF mechanism
  • Final recommendations

Ongoing activities and outputs:

Terms of reference model for ESCO contact (available in APP 2014)

Experimentation 2.2 - Public Private Partnership (PPP) Mechanisms


To define and test a methodology to develop a Regional Investment Plan to impulse building’s energy renovation. This Plan will integrate different measures to solve economical and financial barriers but taking into account other technical, information, communication and social barriers. For example financial models based on energy building audits linked with different renovation solutions and altogether involving all key actors to assure that Plan implementation will be feasible.


The goal is to increase demand for energy efficient renovation of buildings of the Mediterranean territory by creating a methodology to develop regional investment plans for energy renovation of existing buildings by means of integrating all agents involved, in order to assure that the proposed plan is feasible, considering also the special case of districts with low-income residents.


The methodology for the implementation of the pilot activity includes the following steps:

  1. Building stock characterization

The experimentation 2.2. works on a financial plan that should include measures in all types of existing buildings. Main uses of building and main actors involved in its management should be identified and defined. 

     2.           Energy Diagnostic

This task includes the implementation of preliminary energy audits in selected buildings of sectors with most energy consumption. The aim is to collect data for deciding which type of demonstration activity will be tested. In this sense different buildings are going to be analysed.

a. Public tertiary buildings: Energy Agency from Catalonia is developing a methodology to implement energy audits to tertiary buildings. These diagnostics are going to be linked with an ESCO’s contract. This methodology is going to be tested in 5 different public service buildings of Catalonian Government.

b. Public residential buildings. Up to 4 or 5 buildings are going to be analysed. A state of the art energy diagnostic and different energy renovation measures are going to be evaluated by Housing Agency of Catalonia. To do that, a training programme for Housing Agency technicians is going to be done.

Furthermore, an additional study about the viability of invest of the ESCOs in residential sector will be carried out. The main objective of this study is to evaluate, for a residential building typology and a set of energy efficiency measures for refurbishment, how many dwellings are needed to reduce the uncertainty for the ESCOs to invest in the residential sector.

c. Mixed residential and office buildings (public-private). All partners and collaborators of MARIE in Catalonian region involved in experimentation 2.2 have detected difficulties in finding financial models with tertiary parts (ESCOs) for residential existing building. Low energy price, difficulties of co-property management and the fact that in Catalonia region heating and cooling systems are not collective; all of them are barriers for energy renovation measures implementation in residential sector. In this sense experimentation 2.2 is going to test new financial models to overcome all these barriers, trying to work on a higher urban-scale and with mixed groups of buildings: for example office buildings and private residential buildings.

d. Hotels (private sector): It is expected to work on this sector by means of the Energy Efficiency Cluster from Catalonian (CEEC) sectorial work groups. 

e. Mixed buildings of different building typologies - neighbourhood approach: an analysis and diagnostic at a neighbourhood level is going to be carried out to open the possibilities of energy refurbishment financial mechanisms. An existing neighbourhood in Huelva is going to be analysed by EPSA (P05). There will be a selection of building structure types that could be of the most interest for testing innovative financial mechanisms for improving energy efficiency as well as to carry out the energy audits. Considering that EPSA is focused on social housing, mostly all the buildings will be residential. This task includes the implementation of preliminary energy audits in selected residential buildings. The aim is to collect data to decide what types of implementation will be needed.  Up to 10 buildings are going to be analysed.

Ongoing activities and outputs:

Investment Programm model (available in APP June 2014)